Thursday, September 05, 2013

First Days of School 2013

I am behind on blog posts and hope to catch up in the coming weeks.  In the mean time, everyone is back in school.  Happy days are here again...

Ciara started on August 28, 2013.
The Sophomore is a member of the Supreme Court.
She is taking American Literature Honors, Algebra II/Trig Honors, AP European History, Spanish II Honors, Chemistry Honors, Spiritual Life, ACT Prep, and Pilates.  She is a member of the Alverno Singers and was asked by her choir director to join the Concert Choir as well.

She takes weekly drum lessons and voice lessons.

Recently, she approached the Campus Minister at Alverno to spearhead a Spread the Word to End the Word campaign campus-wide.
To that end she will be speaking at each of the religion classes next week.

You are off to an awesome start, Ciara!

Brendan started school on September 3, 2013.
This will be his last full year in the transition program.
He is very happy to be back in school and is looking forward
to learning more life skills and getting back to his work at the dog agility training centre.

You rock, Brendan!

Miss Áine Clare also started school on 9/3/13.
The 7th grader (!!) is very happy to be at Cleta Harder.
We were surprised to find out on the first day of school that 
she has a new teacher - Mr. Duke.

Daddy has a temporary part-time gig at her school and Áine just goes about her business.

She is happy to be back at school taking her walks, learning new things, swinging on her favorite therapy swing, and being with her friends.

This year will be a good one, Áine!

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Friday, June 14, 2013

HBIC Carnival - Last Day of School

Miss Áine Clare finished her second full year at HBIC today.  Happy girl.

Brendan just completed his first full year at HBIC.

Brendan and Ciara at the Sensory Table.

Áine's last day with Simi :o(
We will see you soon!

Brendan riding the bike around the grounds.

Ciara painting one of Mom's signs for the Carnival games.
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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Behold the Sophomore - June 5, 2013

Off to take her last two finals, she left the house a Freshman and...

 returned a ... SOPHOMORE!!!

 Now on to what passes for summer around these parts..
Ciara's summer to do list... have fun, sleep, read for fun, visit with the babies, AP European History homework and project, Geometry homework, three summer reading books, 6 weeks of volunteering at HBIC, drum lessons, voice lessons... hmmm, is there room for anything else? Love you, sweet girl!

Pics of Brendan and Áine to come.  
Their end of the school year carnival is this Friday
and Mom, Dad, and Ciara are volunteering! 
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June Festivies

At cousin Erin's baby shower the first weekend in June with Aunt Margaret.

Aunt Ciara and Eileen

Ciara and Emilia and Erin (the momma to be for the 3rd time)

 The day before the shower Ciara performed at her music school recital.
She rocked the drums to an Avril Lavigne song!
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A Bold Move

Ciara's new do.

A rare shot without a signature head piece.
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More May Days

"Ave Maria" solo - Mary's Day

Having fun with friends before Coffee House.

Posing with the Queen on Mary's Day - her fave senior, Iliana.

Wacky Tacky Day
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May Days

Ready for Coffee House at the Alverno Villa.
Hosted by the Literary Magazine of which Ciara is a part.
The theme this go round was "Hipster".
Reminds me of Auntie Kat during her AHS days in the 90s.

Reading her poem at Coffee House. 
She later sang a solo.

The next night was the Spring Choral Concert.
Ciara has another solo.

Missed taking a picture for the next night's event which was Visual/Performing Arts Night.
Mom and Dad were event chairs.
Ciara sang "Another Suitcase, Another Hall" from Evita.

Ended the week with Mary's Day!
Ciara sang with the choir and then sang "Ave Maria" solo.
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Godspell - Part 2 - April 2013


Thank you Belle 'n Beau for the rehearsal photos.

Opening Night!

Closing Night!

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Godpsell - Part 1 - April 2013

Ciara and the rest of the main ensemble of Alverno's "Godspell". 
Lots of rehearsals, but well worth it.  The production was wonderful. 
Ciara rocked "Day By Day" and "Long Live God".

Official Head Shot :o)

Opening Night!

Mom, Dad, Nana, Bruce, Aunt Eliz, and Becky helped cheer on our girl in the audience.
Closing Night... Mom, Dad, Brendan (who enjoyed clapping for everyone) and Áine who literally sat on the edge of her seat and emoted when emotion was called for and even cried when Jesus died :o( and Erin and Bernardo (Ciara's biggest fans!), and Aunt Margaret who flew in from Arizona.

Ciara doing her thing!
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Random School Shots - April 2013

Áine Clare had a day off in April and decided to visit her old stomping grounds
at La Rosa.  She was so happy to see Miss Roxanna, Miss Sam, and Miss Wu.
I think the feeling was mutual :o)


Meanwhile back at HBIC... Áine was rocking her best Flashdance look.

And she even got her hairs did while shopping with her class.
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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

April 2, 2013 - World Autism Awareness Day

Relaxing during Spring Break.
Still snoozing... life is good.
Áine Clare supporting her big brother!
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