Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh no he didn't!

Today my 9 year old had her first kiss. From a boy. On the lips. Yes. The lips. My 9 year old. Apparently watching a video about Abraham Lincoln will do that to the younger set. Miss Áine Clare and the lothario, uh, R. were sitting on the rug with their fellow classmates watching the video. Áine was taking turns with her friends holding their hand doing the usual "nose, cheek, hair, ear" thing she does for those who know her. At some point after she and R. finished pointing to Áine's nose, cheek, hair, and ear more than once, my sweet little girl leaned her head R.'s way. Now this is usually Áine's way of offering a kiss. A slight head butt. The gentler version of her brother's way of "kissing". R. seized the opportunity and lips met lips and after finishing the kiss with said cougar (Áine is the oldest student in the class after all) R. was reported to have exclaimed, "Wow, wow, wow." Hmmm... so my 9 year old is a good kisser, I take it? Just what exactly is a mother supposed to do with this nugget of information? Offer a "way to go, girl"? Or how about a high 5? Better yet, I'll record it here for posterity and then quickly remove it from all recent memory.


Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness. Who knew that you were raising 'maneater'. lol That story is just precious but I think the Mr. needs to have a talk with that young man and find out his intentions. :o)

Nana said...

I didn't realize that watching a video of Abraham Lincoln could charge one's batteries!!! And who could resist our Aine Clare!!!

Unknown said...

Way to go, Princess! Good ol' Abe!

grumpyrocks said...

I knew she would be the 1st Madigan kid to hook a mate! Go Pixie.....