Friday, June 25, 2010

Aine's Last Day of School - June 17, 2010

Miss Áine Clare celebrated the last day of the school year with her classmates on June 17th.

This shot was taken right outside her classroom before school.

Later that afternoon at the pediatrician's office.

Sulking on the couch the next morning after I told her there was no school.

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Stephanie said...

It takes a special kind of person to sulk at the thought of no Personally, I am so looking forward to a school break. :o) But we all know Aine is a very special girl on the inside with gorgeous locks and smile to match. :o)

Auntie Ro said...

The hair! The HAIR!
She looks like she feeling well - except for the sulking thing. ;-)

Mary said...

I'm with Ro. THE HAIR! I'd sulk, too-if I looked that great and had to lay on the couch. :-)