Monday, August 30, 2010

Two diagnoses down, two to go...

I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Áine has been diagnosed with Mood Disorder (in her case a classic presentation of depression).

I have started meds and received multiple injections. Áine will be starting a new sleep med in a couple of days since returning to her sleepless ways last week and an anti-depressant to follow in the coming weeks.

The two pending diagnoses are: micro vascular disease (MVD) and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Both for Alexia. Should have results about the former the late part of September and the latter by the first week in October. Testing and appointments to complete first.

Happy Monday!


Stephanie said...

Oh my friend that is a lot of diagnosis for you for one year. Easier to fight the enemy you know than the one you don't right? Praying that the treatments for you and Aine produce the best of results and soon. :o)

Mary said...

Happy Monday, indeed! At least now you have a place to work from. I was sorry to read that Aine has started suffering from insomnia again-but relieved to note there is a medication to help with that. It cannot be an easy road to travel. Especially since Mom needs her rest, too. Keep us posted and thanks for the update! On a side note, I can't believe tomorrow is Sept. 1. Where did the summer go???????

Ro said...

Dang, woman! If it is RA - then will we both be on Remicade? LOL! I'm glad they're finally making some progress with you!