Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy 12th Birthday, Ciara Mairead!

Happy Birthday to the most AWESOME 12 year old we know!!!
You came into this world a mere 5 lbs 2 oz -- 18 inches.
Your eyes were wide open from the moment you were born.
Thank you for brightening our lives and our world in more ways than you may ever know.
We love you!
Momma, Dadzer, Brendan (Bubba), and Áine Clare (Swissy)

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Nana said...

Happy birthday, Ciara Mairead!! You are my favorite 12-year-old!!

Love the pics of that wide-eyed little girl.

Hope your day was good!

Tons of love!

Stephanie said...

Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful snapshots into the life of Ciara with those of us who were not fortunate enough to be around the Madigans back then. A true beauty then and now!! Happy Birthday, Ciara. :o)

Mary said...

Happy Belated birthday to one of my most favorite Irishwomen! By the looks of the celebration, it appeared to be grand!

Auntie Ro said...

She has always been The Fashionista, huh? She was rocking those glasses and cowboy hat!