Saturday, December 04, 2010

Laughing Áine

While at Target with Ciara yesterday, my cell phone rang just before noon -- Áine's pediatrician. Long story short, I was to get Áine to the ER at UCLA post haste and have her neuropsychiatrist paged. He would admit her to the Resnick NeuroPsychiatric Hospital.

No question about it, despite knowing that she is in good hands and will be helped, it was a rough day as I missed being with Brendan on his birthday and had to leave my baby at UCLA with her not knowing what was going on. Parents cannot stay overnight at the NPH. In fact, visiting hours are quite limited. Mondays through Fridays 7-8pm. Saturdays and Sundays 2-4pm and 7-8pm.

She will be there indefinitely while the team stabilizes her medications and helps her with her self-injurious behaviors and such.

On a happy note, during our 8 hour ER visit, Áine gifted me with this moment of pure joy. Enjoy!


Nana said...

That's our girl of the beautiful smile!! We're rooting for her!

Stephanie said...

What an amazing gift that laughter is for a mama's heart. Totally makes my heart sing to hear it. :o)

Those are extremely limited visiting hours. But on the up side, maybe this is the solution to all the medication problems. And when this stay is over perhaps she will be able to sleep peacefully again and get back to loving and smiling self again. I know that separation will be so hard for you but you know she is in good hands and if this works you will have your happy baby back soon. :o)

Mary said...

Wow. That was fast. I'm sure as difficult and stressful as your day was, it was one of those things that was meant to be. Hopefully, they can find some answers quickly and come up with a plan of action going forward. As always, her pictures brightened my day. Aine is an amazing and resilient child, as her always smile proves. 8-)