Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just found these...

I forgot I uploaded some pics from my sister's camera before she and the nephew returned to MA. Love this shot for the subject and the scene of Ethel on the TV... Ethel Mae Potter, we never forgot her.

I took this shot. Love it.

Wearing Auntie Alexia's glasses.

Ciara and Phelan.

Brendan on the 4th.

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Stephanie said...

Great find! So cute! I know the picture of Brendan on the 4th of July. We had some kids sitting next to us setting off their own fireworks and I really wanted to cover my ears to that too. I don't know how the state of Arizona can believe that selling fireworks to children is a good idea. Oh wait you have to be 18 to buy that makes a I couldn't believe how many parents were giving their kids fireworks/sparklers to run around with unsupervised. Sorry I guess I went off on a little rant. Great pictures!:)

Nana said...

Good jumping, Brendan !

Good pics, Alexia of Phelan and his cousin.

Nana said...

Of course we never forgot Ethel Mae Potter!! How could we????