Monday, December 05, 2011

Better late than never!

Brendan turned 19 on Saturday, December 3rd. Happy birthday, Brendan! We were in the throes of a massive power outage and just in time for my boy's celebration the lights came on. Yay! We enjoyed pizza and "sawad" and cupcakes and a rousing game of "5 Second Rule" with Becky.

Brendan is having a good year at school and is now part of the transition program -- post high school. He works at JoAnn's Fabrics and loves it! It is reported that he is a hard worker and follows directions with a smile on his face. Yay, Brendan! We are so proud of you.


Nana said...

That's our boy!!! Love the pic but where did the years go. Of course he loves Jo-Ann's -- his Nana's home-away-from-home.

I am so proud of you, Brendan and so thankful for you!

Mary said...

As usual, I'm behind with my well wishes. So glad to read that Mr. B enjoyed his birthday and is doing so well with his new job!