Last week she and I were discussing school events. She passionately shared her adoration for her 4th grade teacher from last year and said most earnestly, “She’s like the mother I never had.” Awkward silence. Crickets chirping. “No offense, Mom,” was then added. (One must cover one’s bases.) I assured her none was taken. Then she clarified that she saw Mrs. R. as another mother. Ah, now that’s much better.
Today in the car I was lamenting that I wouldn’t be able to get Brendan’s hair cut prior to Easter. Ciara piped in that “At least you’re getting yours cut, Mom. Because that piece that keeps falling down… well, I’m not saying it’s ugly… it just takes away from your cuteness.” How kind of her to look after me. What would I do without her?
The bit with the teacher is a riot. At least she covered her bases, though, right? As for the hair, gotta love that brutal honesty. Though I have to admit, I'd be terrified to take the child into a dressing room when I was trying on clothes. My ego can only take so much.
Oh Alexia, I'm cracking up! Like the mother I never had - chirp, chirp! No kidding. And the hair comment =) Reminds me of when I tried on a bathing suit and Brenna asked me why my legs "shook on the sides like that..." There's no place for ego in motherhood!
**alls on floor laughing my tushie off>
Kids and their brutal honesty - you gotta love it or just curl up in a ball and die of embarassment!
Well, you knew you were raising a fashionista so you certainly didn't expect she wouldn't give you the 411 about your hair. And at least she does tell you that you have a cuteness factor. I mean that's gotta be a big morale booster. You've still got it!! :o)
The part about the teacher is too funny. She is simply precious! :o)
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