Thursday, April 02, 2009

World Autism Awareness Day

This bumper sticker is displayed with pride on my minivan. Enough said :o)


Anonymous said...

Darlin' I just wanted to pop in and say that whenever I feel a wee bit down, I come over here and marvel in the wonderfulness of your children. I always leave smiling and happy. They are so good for the soul.

Ro said...

That they are! I have last year's Xmas card on my fridge and smile everytime I go to open the door.

BTW Miss Alexia, in case no one has told you lately, *you* are most awesome.

Mary said...

I have last year's St. Paddy's Day pic and this year's Christmas pic on my fridge, too! Those smiling kidlets do wonders for a body's state of mind. :)

Stephanie Peterson said...

Did you ever imagine in you wildest dreams that pictures of your kidlets would be on fridges all across the country bringing joy to all who see them? Such a special crew from parents to kidlets. :o) AWEsome bumper sticker.

PIM said...

Thank you, ladies! My world is a better place because of all of you.

And Steph... nope, I never thought that. They seem to reach coast to coast :o)