Saturday, August 01, 2009

My Ciara

My wonderfully passionate and compassionate Ciara has many wonderful traits. One of her flaws however is that she interrupts me on the telephone for such important things like reminding me that next week's episode of "iCarly" is a new one or last week she thought there was a bird on our front porch. These sorts of things. Important stuff. I loath talking on the phone, so the only two people who I actually talk to this way are my Mother and my sister. They are accustomed to these interruptions which are very annoying as Ciara knows they can be.
I have explained to Ciara what is interruption-worthy and what is not. Broken limbs? Interrupt me. Cute skirt you want to get at Target? While important, not interruption-worthy.
That being said, I was on the phone with my sister yesterday moving from room to room trying to find a spot where we could talk privately. At one point, Ciara who had already interrupted us and slipped me a few notes, is hovering near the door. I give a shout out to see if there is something she needs. Oh, no, nothing, I am told while a note is slipped under the door. I ignore said note and continue the conversation. At some point, I bend to pick up the note and simultaneously tell my sister that it smells like smoke. Note informs me that Ciara burned a Pop Tart in the microwave so the house may smell like smoke. I fling the door open and there sits Miss Innocent on the couch eating a pb&j sandwich since the last Pop Tart had been burned and boiled and tossed in the trash can bringing about a lovely smell of burned Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart and melting plastic.
This. This is an emergency, Ciara. Smoke billowing out of the microwave is interruption-worthy. She thought it was steam. Why was the toaster pastry in the microwave and not the toaster, I ask. Well you see it was leftover from yesterday and we re-heat leftovers in the microwave. Ah, yes, I see. For how long did you set the time? 120 seconds. Ah, I further see. Instructions on box say microwave for 3 seconds. Close.
Ah, my sweet adorable, delightful, most awesome Ciara, you fill my life like no one else.
Photo was taken in September 2001 when the future Pop Tart killer was 2 years 10 months old.
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Ro said...

I *love* that picture of her!! I still want her hair!!

Poptart or BP&J? BP w/o with J wins everytime!

Auntie Kat said...

She was never that innocent - she was just at PRETENDING to be that sweet.

Stephanie said...

I flove this story! It makes perfect sense to me that you would reheat the leftovers in the microwave. :o) I'm sure the smell made you feel like there were cookies and Hefty bags baking in the oven. This is priceless.

Thank you for sharing that adorable picture of Ciara.

Mary said...

What an adorable picture! And I agree with Stephanie-leftovers DO go in the micro. Tell Ciara she's not alone, I've crisped, burned, annihilated and exploded my share of microwavables, too. :) Though my problem is vision, not logic.

I've been SO busy lately, it was wonderful to sit down and get caught up with Team Madigan.