Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The State of California Sucks

Excuse the lack of eloquent language in the title of this post, but to say that my life has been challenging of late is to put it mildly. It's hard. And of top of that I just got the call from my Regional Center services coordinator letting me know that both my children lost their state funding for their aquatic therapy which is so much bigger than most people know and we lost funding for Áine's pull-ups. Each child is left with only one State funded service and there is no guarantee that that service is safe. This is a major blow to our family. And the anger I feel is massive and I need to pray for some sense of relief since there is nothing I can do about it. And I suppose that is what angers me the most.


Stephanie said...

That is incredibly frustrating to have your hands tied like that. I know you would move heaven and earth to get your kids anything and everything they needed so to be left with no where to turn has to be maddening for you. I'm really sorry this has happened. Do you think it is a result of the currently failing CA economy? When you think about it the state will pay out millions of dollars to say good-bye to Michael Jackson but can't afford to take care of its children. It's shameful to say the least. I will be praying for you my friend. You know God is in control of this whole situation and there is a reason for it that we just can't see yet. I'll be praying that you will be given than vision really soon and that relief will come your way!

Mary said...

Honestly, they cut THAT kind of funding? Sorry, but anything that touches special needs children (and adults) should be sacrosanct, IMO, and left alone. I realize that there have to be budgetary concerns, etc-but come on. I agree with Stephanie, it is beyond shameful when you think about the millions that are spent on other things. I completely understand your anger as well. I'm so sorry this happened. :(