If indeed you must be candid, be candid beautifully. --
Khalil Gibran
Thursday, December 03, 2009
The Birthday Lad
Happy birthday, BRENDAN MICHAEL!! Seventeen years ago today at 12:20pm weighing 7 pounds, 3 ounces this most awesome person entered our lives. He is all that is pure and good. That I was chosen to be this boy's mother is something I don't take lightly. With his quiet humility and seeming simplicity, he has taught me patience and gratitude among a myriad of life's lessons. His life is one of challenge, yet he manages to smile that smile that makes the rest of the world all but disappear. I am most grateful for the wonderful gift of this precious child.
And what a day that was when the precious boy arrived. Brendan Michael, you have brought us much joy and you are a precious gift. That smile is worth more than gold!! Happy Birthday from Nana
i think as moms we will always see our kids as little ones. loved the pictures of brendan as a baby, how precious are those two little bottom teeth in his mouth! hope his birthday was a blast.
Thank you for sharing Brendan's baby pictures with us. It's so cool to see what he looked like as an ity bity now that he is 17! I hope he had a wonderful birthday. :o)
And what a day that was when the precious boy arrived. Brendan Michael, you have brought us much joy and you are a precious gift. That smile is worth more than gold!!
Happy Birthday from
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to our beloved Mr. B. :-) I hope you have a wonderful day!
i think as moms we will always see our kids as little ones. loved the pictures of brendan as a baby, how precious are those two little bottom teeth in his mouth! hope his birthday was a blast.
Thank you for sharing Brendan's baby pictures with us. It's so cool to see what he looked like as an ity bity now that he is 17! I hope he had a wonderful birthday. :o)
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