Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Oh no he didn't!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The Left Coast Rainforest
This next shot was taken pre-afternoon scheduled haircut and pre-chasing the geese. Mom and geese have long had a standing dislike for one another, so when Mom was waxing poetic about the waterfall aka glorified fountain a voice from behind her whispered "geese". So enthralled with Fern Gully, Mom continued the water talk only to next hear in a very clear determined voice... "I chase geese!" And that he did as he and the 6 geese he counted ran through the lush green of the rainforest. This adventure came to a close as Brendan smiled and squeezed Mom's arm and guided his animal fearful Mother through the treacherous peacock-laden exit of the rainforest. "All done rainforest. All done."
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Crazy Hat Day

I added this one, just because I think it's too cute. This was at the doctor's office last week.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
A One-Woman Show
This shirt, purchased in burgundy, looks like a "13th century Renaissance nightgown." I have to admit I was stumped by this. Was is reminiscent of the 13th century or of the Renaissance period?
Lastly, this shirt in hunter green and somewhat of a mainstay look for me since high school was "perfection".
Friday, February 12, 2010
Dental Health