Today was Crazy Hat Day at Áine's school. She immediately sought the assistance of her big sis, the resident Fashionista, who promptly searched her hat drawer. "This is as crazy as I get, Áine." The result is below.

I added this one, just because I think it's too cute. This was at the doctor's office last week.
Ok, wait. *That* is The Fashionista's hat?? "crazy" is right - lol! LOVE that second pic of The Princess - so beautiful!
Yes, *that* is the Fashionista's hat from her elementary school period, not her junior high period. It was waaaay in the back of the drawer.
Thank you for sharing crazy hat day with us. I was looking forward to seeing this picture all day. :o) She makes 'crazy hat' look good. :o) And of course she looks like an angel in the second picture. What a blessing to have such photogenic kidlets.
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