Monday, May 03, 2010

The Swamp

Following the grand success of the mother-son trip to the rain forest last month, the latest request from Brendan was the swamp. Not living in the Florida Everglades nor being an outdoors-y sort of gal, I was hard pressed to come up with a place that would pass for a swamp.
I kept moving the yellow post-it note with the word "swamp" written on it around the calendar until it landed on today. Brendan had a rare day off school all by himself because of a teacher in-service. Now had I known I would have spent last night in a sleep lab with littlest sister I might have changed my mind, but there it was on the calendar calling to me as my smiling boy asked me for his "schedule" first thing this morning upon my arrival home at 5:45am.
I had a lovely time with Brendan as usual. Here are a few shots of our trip to the local swamp.

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Stephanie said...

Nicest swamp I've ever seen. Brendan looks so happy. You are the best mom ever! :o)

Nana said...

I've got to give you kudos, daughter! You do rise to the occasion. Mom

Unknown said...

Looks like a nice serene setting. Glad Mom and Son had a good time!