Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Behold, the Senior!

Brendan Michael moments before the school bus arrived...

And here he is a few minutes earlier forcing a smile for his Mom so she would leave him alone.

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Mary said...

All the anticipation obviously wore the senior out! Though I bet he perked up when his bus arrived. :-)

And kudos to whomever picked out that shirt. Do I detect the Fashionista's involvement in this back-to-school ensemble?

Stephanie said...

I'm with the fabulous Mr. B, people with cameras are annoying first thing in the morning.lol Sorry mom. :o) He did put on the happy face for you so that just shows how much he loves you. The first picture is priceless. I think I fell asleep striking a similar pose at work a couple weeks ago. :o)

Ro said...

I'm like that on most work day, so I definately relate! The important question is - how did he do once he got to school?Can't believe he's a senior already!