Sunday, January 09, 2011

Closing Out the Old Year

This was our final trip in 2010 to the LA Zoo. By SoCal standards, it was very, very cold and windy that morning! We had a great time and are looking forward to many more trips in 2011 thanks to Brendan's family pass courtesy of Nana. Now if only the zebras would be there next time.

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Nana said...

There's nothing like a day at the zoo. Sorry I missed it. I'll be in better shape next time.

Love those Californians with their dark glasses!!

Stephanie said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Personally, I prefer to go to the zoo when it's cool rather than hot. Walking from animal to animal in 100 degrees is no fun at all. :o(

Mary said...

Wow, it does look a bit cold for Southern Cal. But as always, the troops were all smiles, even if the zebras were MIA!