Ciara's last day of 7th grade ended on a happy note.
Mom, Áine, Nana, and Bruce attended the awards ceremony at school where Ciara earned certificates for First Honors (3.71 GPA), Principal's Honor Roll for being on the honor roll all three semesters of this school year, an award for outstanding academic excellence from President Barack Obama, and her favorite and ours, A Person of Character Award for Caring. Way to go, Ciara! WE LOVE YOU!
Mom, Áine, Nana, and Bruce attended the awards ceremony at school where Ciara earned certificates for First Honors (3.71 GPA), Principal's Honor Roll for being on the honor roll all three semesters of this school year, an award for outstanding academic excellence from President Barack Obama, and her favorite and ours, A Person of Character Award for Caring. Way to go, Ciara! WE LOVE YOU!
Nana and the former 7th grader.
Nana, the no-longer-a-7th-grader, and her ever squirrelly little sis.
The girlies -- whose grades have been left off this caption because Mom can't take it.