Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last Day at Rosemary Johnson

June 9, 2011
This was Áine's last day at Rosemary Johnson and Associates Clinic, Inc. where she has been receiving occupational and physical therapies since late summer 2001.

This is Christy, her long time PT.

Sue and Áine. Sue has been Áine's OT since she first started therapy in 2001.
Sue started working with Brendan in 1996.

The hard working, fun-loving trio.

Áine's last ride on her beloved scooter board.

This departure has been a hard one for me. Since Áine will be going to a new school beginning July 11, 2011 - Cleta Harder Developmental School - her services are being moved to her new school. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but Áine has been at our beloved La Rosa school since April 2006 and Ciara was there starting in September 2003 for K-3 (as high as the school goes). In addition she has had the same speech therapist since November 2001. These departures are necessary I know, but nonetheless bittersweet.

Having to leave Rosemary Johnson clinic is especially hard for Mom. I started going there in 1996 with Brendan and since then, over the 15 years, my three children have been treated there and I have been at the clinic at the most 6 times a week to the least of 1 time a week. I have shared many of life's challenges and triumphs with the ladies there. I will miss that. I will miss them. They have been a tremendous part of my life and have made such a contribution to the growth of my children.

Áine has long-time bonds with her therapists. She is sure to have a period of adjustment when going to her new school and no one will be the same - not the staff,the teachers, the students, nor the therapists. I know she will be fine. But if I feel the need to grieve the loss of a life we have led for this long, I need to respect that she may also.

Everything happens for a reason. And the finding of this school was providential.
As for the Rosemary Johnson ladies, they can't get rid of my that easily. I plan to re-join their monthly book group in September.
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1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I know this will be a tough transition for you both. But the good thing is you will not be losing the friendships you've created there. I am sure they are going to miss you guys as much you will miss them.