Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Madigan Clan

Our family was asked to participate in a video for our parish for Commitment Sunday. We thought we'd like to share it. Such an honor to be asked and to share a snippet of ourselves.

Commitment Sunday, November 13, 2011 from Holy Family Church on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the video, it's extremely touching~ I even got a bit teary-eyed... you are a pretty incredible family & I admire you all more than you know! :)


Stephanie said...

An amazing video of an amazing family! Thank you for sharing your family and your faith with us. Love you guys!!

Ro said...

Dang it, you made my eyes leak!! It was so wonderful, not only to see you and John, but to see those wonderful, beautiful children of yours. Pictures did not do them justice. They are all amazing! Thank you for sharing your story.