Sunday, October 28, 2012

Alverno's Festival of Haunts

The Freshman and Sophomore classes host the annual event.  The Frosh host the activities for the kidlets on the lower floor of the Villa, while the Sophomores hose the haunted house upstairs.  (I STILL haven't been  up there!)

The Freshman as Miss Martian.

Little sister is a makeshift, Robin.  Áine is usually a fairy tale character, but I ran out of ideas this year!  Ciara suggested this.  The shirt has a cape on the back.  Cute.  It was 92 degrees, so Robin's leggings were saved for another day.

 Big brother wore a Batman shirt.  That's as much of a costume as he will wear.  He was too busy looking at all the girls to look at the camera.  Yes, I am serious.

Batman and Robin after the festivities.
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