Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The Angels Danced the Day You Were Born

Nine years ago at 9:35am the world met an ethereal 5 pound 13 ounce bundle of wonderfulness with curly red hair and luminous green eyes. Who knew then what was in store for this sweet baby girl?
What a gift she is. She has singularly taught me what it means to persevere with grace and a happy heart. I can ask for nothing more.
Áine is an angel on earth.

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Nana said...

You are right on Momma, she is our angel baby/girl!! What a joy she is to all of us. Happy birthday special beautiful Aine Clare!

Unknown said...

OMG! They're all cute, but the one of The Princess in the green flowered dress, glasses and hairbow? Yeah, just want to eat her up!!! How blessed we all are to be touched by her.


Stephanie said...

I'm so glad she was able to truly enjoy the meaning of her birthday. What a wonderful achievement and one we take for granted as we get older. :o) I'm glad it was a very special day for one of the most special girls I've ever met. :o)