Saturday, January 30, 2010

The results are in!

It has been confirmed through the growth stimulation test at the end of December and her most recent MRI, that Miss Áine Clare has Growth Hormone Deficiency. She will start daily injections of Norditropin in the next 2-3 weeks pending insurance approval. She will be seen again by the endocrinologist in mid-May. The results of the injections should be an increase in bone length and muscle strength and a decrease in fatty tissue. Side effects of the medication are primarily headaches and joint pain.

I will post her start date here on the blog.

On a side note, she dropped her drawers in school on Friday during circle time. Always good to mix things up, isn't it?


Auntie Kat said...

Ha! I literally laughed out loud at the "dropped her drawers" bit. Ah, but every single one of your children makes me smile...

Nana said...

Great news and prayers for a better outcome.

Ya gotta love our girl's wild and crazy streak!!

Unknown said...

The Princess is just one smile after another!

Happy thoughts coming her way!

Stephanie said...

You know sometimes when a girl has had all she can take from the world she just needs a little air on the tush! :o) That is too funny. So happy to hear you have a diagnosis and a treatment plan now. Will be praying that the insurance company does their part quickly so the girl with the lovely locks and sensational smile can get started.

PIM said...

Thank you, ladies!