Friday, October 30, 2009

Off with her head et al

Queen Anne Boleyn posed for her formal portrait this morning before winning the "Most Original" costume prize at school. In between these royal duties, she "Queen Anne'd" her parents - commoners we are - as we shouted her name as she passed by us during the parade with her nose fixed in the air. She later claimed not to have heard our calls. Likely story.

Her majesty.

A sign of things to come?

Little Miss Muffet sitting on her tuffet.

Brendan Michael
Brendan and his fellow high school classmates are hosting a Fall Fun Festival for the younger set today and Brendan is working a booth. Here he is resting before the festivities.

Thank you for the costumes, Nana!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We hardly new ye

The last moments of Ciaran Owen Madigan.

Boiled: 10/21/09
Departed for a world where there are no walls from which to have great falls: 10/21/09

This week is Character Counts! week at Ciara's school. As part of the Responsibility pillar, students had to care for an egg. The Fashionista crafted an over the shoulder carrier for her red-haired boy until his planned demise this evening. His time with us was brief. We shall miss you, Master Ciaran.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy happy joy joy

Such joy these pumpkins bring...
(by the way, still waiting for test results)

Friday, October 09, 2009

A budding artist

Are you looking for Christmas cards? Consider this...

One of the names should be familiar.

Áine likes shapes and last year in school she started using shapes to make pictures. So we took triangles, squares, circles, and a rectangle to make "O Christmas Tree".

The star is actually yellow on the cards.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Random Kidletness

Ciara and baby cousin, Eileen aka "Little".

Ciara and Uncle Brendan's (R.I.P.) guitar. Music lessons await.

Áine having fun at OT with Sue.

Brendan and Silvie and Amy... so happy together.


This was following a seizure in the car...

Almost there...

This has got to be THE best wrapped EEG head ever! Áine hasn't bothered with it and it's still intact. It's off as of 11am Friday. Yay! Looking forward to the results.

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Where does all the hair go?

In answer to Mary's question from the earlier posting...

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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Giving the Fashionista a run for her money?

Miss Áine Clare's latest EEG "do" which she will be sporting for the next 72 hours. Think SEIZURE, everyone.

You can't see the fanny pack of equipment around her waist which completes the look.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Not so much

Doesn't Áine looked thrilled to be in the company of the man who dug around in her brain for 13 hours six years ago?

Áine, Ciara, Dr. Gary Mathern
October 5, 2009 - UCLA

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Where's Brendan?

The other morning I told Brendan to get dressed and then meet me in the bathroom for teeth brushing, etc. Sufficient time had passed and he had yet to make an appearance. I happened upon this scene in his bedroom. (At least he was dressed under there.)

Picture Day

Thursday was Áine's picture day at school. Here is a shot from the back that I took while finishing her hair. She's lost about half her hair volume over the past several months, but it's hard to see that here.