Monday, September 10, 2012

The end of Áine's first week back at school

The smiles say it all!

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A photoshoot by Ciara

Ciara let Áine don her new fedora and snapped these shots of her sister using Áine's iPad. Pretty darn cute subject and good photographer.

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First High School Dance!

At the end of August, Ciara and two of her new AHS friends attended their first dance. It was the Welcome Dance at St. Francis High School (her Uncle Karl's alma mater). They watched the football game (Go Knights!) and had a good time at the very short dance. Another milestone down.

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Thursday, September 06, 2012

School, how do I love thee?

Let me count the ways...

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

It's Christmas Morning - sort of...

It's the first day of school for Brendan and Áine.  Yay!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Summer Randomness - Part 2

And now for the wee lass...

 At the mall.

 Waiting for her orthopedist aka "Áine's bone doctor" as Ciara called him when she was younger.


 Hanging out in her room in her big girl chair.

 Having fun at Ability First.

 End of summer blues with the ever patient big brother.

Love the expressions. 

Summer randomness - Brendan

Thankfully for all parties involved school starts tomorrow for Brendan and Áine.  I thought I would post some random summer shots of them just 'cause they're so darn cute.  Enjoy!

 Back from a fun day at Ability First.

 Waiting to see the neurologist.

 Getting hooked up for his EEG.

 At the mall.

 At CHLA waiting for Áine's orthopedist.

Summer cuteness captured by Ciara.