Friday, July 27, 2012

Such a simple thing, but then again... maybe not.

A pair of sand-filled navy blue Crocs.  Doesn't seem like much.  But it is.

These belong to Miss Áine Clare and while we've never limited what we thought she could do in life, this little scene from last week moved me.

Áine had returned from a beach and boat (!) trip with her brother and sister and the rest of HBIC.  (Ciara is volunteering there this summer.)  After getting everyone off the van and cleaned, fed, and down for a rest, I set about putting away their things and there sat these little sand-filled shoes.  Not DAFOS, not orthopaedic shoes, no socks even.  Just a pair of child's summer shoes.  Filled with sand.

With all that she has been through in  her short life, a trip to the beach isn't just an every day happening.  It is something to be celebrated.  Sand and all.

Monday, July 09, 2012

First Day of Summer School at HBIC

Brendan and Áine waiting to go to their first day of summer school.

Miss Áine Clare

The sleeping boy.

Posing for Momma.

And another pose.
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Wednesday, July 04, 2012