Friday, June 17, 2011

We now have an... 8th grader!

Ciara's last day of 7th grade ended on a happy note.
Mom, Áine, Nana, and Bruce attended the awards ceremony at school where Ciara earned certificates for First Honors (3.71 GPA), Principal's Honor Roll for being on the honor roll all three semesters of this school year, an award for outstanding academic excellence from President Barack Obama, and her favorite and ours, A Person of Character Award for Caring. Way to go, Ciara! WE LOVE YOU!

Nana and the former 7th grader.

Nana, the no-longer-a-7th-grader, and her ever squirrelly little sis.

The girlies -- whose grades have been left off this caption because Mom can't take it.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good-Bye, La Rosa!

Today was Áine Clare's last day at La Rosa.
The Madigan Family has spent many happy years at this beautiful school filled with beautiful people. We started with Ciara in September 2003 whose first day of school was 2 days after Áine's hemispherectomy. Áine joined her in late 2006 and they overlapped for a year before Ciara moved on to Nativity and Áine stayed on.
Until today.

Wonderful things are on the horizon for Áine no doubt. But I cannot express how madly in love withe La Rosa I am. It is a living embodiment of the word community. The people there collectively and singularly are some of the best on the planet.

Ms. Melisa has been Áine's aide for a while and a more perfect match you could not find. The tremendous comfort and relief as a mother I had leaving Áine in her care every day is a gift I have never taken for granted. We will miss seeing her smiling face every day!

Ms. Roxanna, Áine Clare, and Ms. Wu
These wonderful ladies are the tag team that took on Miss Áine Clare this year.
Along with Ms. Melisa they make for a mighty trio.
Their willingness to blend Áine into their class is extraordinary.
Ms. Roxanna has been part of our family for a long time. She started working with Áine in our home as a visual impairment specialist before Áine was three. Because of her, Áine was able to attend our local school, La Rosa, and have an incredible jump start to her educational life.

Ms. Wu and Áine

Ms. Roxanna and Áine Clare
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

3rd Grade Picnic

Áine's last day of school is tomorrow, so today she celebrated at the park with her fellow 3rd graders in their tie-dyed shirts, a picnic, and water games... fun, fun, fun.

I know I have an incredible bias, but she is so cute in these next two pics I just want to munch her up!!

Getting ready for a nap following the picnic in the park.

La Rosa, we don't want to leave you!! We've been part of your incredibly unique, wonderful, welcoming school since September 2003. WE WILL MISS YOU!
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Last Day at Rosemary Johnson

June 9, 2011
This was Áine's last day at Rosemary Johnson and Associates Clinic, Inc. where she has been receiving occupational and physical therapies since late summer 2001.

This is Christy, her long time PT.

Sue and Áine. Sue has been Áine's OT since she first started therapy in 2001.
Sue started working with Brendan in 1996.

The hard working, fun-loving trio.

Áine's last ride on her beloved scooter board.

This departure has been a hard one for me. Since Áine will be going to a new school beginning July 11, 2011 - Cleta Harder Developmental School - her services are being moved to her new school. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but Áine has been at our beloved La Rosa school since April 2006 and Ciara was there starting in September 2003 for K-3 (as high as the school goes). In addition she has had the same speech therapist since November 2001. These departures are necessary I know, but nonetheless bittersweet.

Having to leave Rosemary Johnson clinic is especially hard for Mom. I started going there in 1996 with Brendan and since then, over the 15 years, my three children have been treated there and I have been at the clinic at the most 6 times a week to the least of 1 time a week. I have shared many of life's challenges and triumphs with the ladies there. I will miss that. I will miss them. They have been a tremendous part of my life and have made such a contribution to the growth of my children.

Áine has long-time bonds with her therapists. She is sure to have a period of adjustment when going to her new school and no one will be the same - not the staff,the teachers, the students, nor the therapists. I know she will be fine. But if I feel the need to grieve the loss of a life we have led for this long, I need to respect that she may also.

Everything happens for a reason. And the finding of this school was providential.
As for the Rosemary Johnson ladies, they can't get rid of my that easily. I plan to re-join their monthly book group in September.
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More faces of Áine

Rainy days do nothing for naturally curly hair, but they do make a girl smile!

Passing the time with Ciara after school while Mom has a meeting.

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Áine's Many Faces

I can't get enough of this girl!
Here she is waiting for one of her many doctors. (Couldn't tell you which one at this point.)

I've been tempted to chew on my shirt while waiting for the doctor, too.
(This is a different doctor and I only know because it's a different shirt.)

Sleeping after seizures.

Interesting pose during a seizure.
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Long time between posts

A lot has happened since my last post on Easter Sunday.

John had a total right knee replacement on April 26th which went fairly well, but he did have a few complications and stayed longer in the hospital than initially expected.

He followed this up with a heart attack on May 9th complete with two post-op appointments in the morning where both docs missed the signs of an impending heart attack, the two of us witnessing a car accident in front of us on the way home from said doc appointments, the chest pain and pain radiating down his arm in my mini-van, a hurried drive around the corner to an urgent care center replete with my rushing in and announcing my husband was having a heart attack in the parking lot, ending with a 911 call, a trip to Arcadia Methodist Hospital in the ambulance, two stents placed, and a couple days stay. Ah, ain't life spectacular?

John mended well upon his return home, but had to return to work earlier than anticipated the day after Memorial Day. He is doing well now and continues with his physical therapy.

The kidlets have been moving along, doing their things. This week is the last week of school for all three of them. Big changes on the horizon for Aine and Mom which is bittersweet for Mom and will take some adjusting to, but will be good in the end.

I am about to bombard the family blog with Aine posts, but rest assured the big kidlets will return on their last day of school this Friday.

Thanks to those of you who continue to follow our Madigan Shenanigans.