Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ClubMed UCLA redux

This is the latest in EEG hairstyles. She was happy they didn't wrap her head this time.

Áine and Mom are back home after an unsuccessful telemetry experience.

The morning of our admission through the ER, Áine seized a few times between 7:30-7:45am, 8:30-8:45am, 9:30- 9:45am, 10:30-10:45am, and then stopped as soon as she was connected to the EEG machine. So frustratingly typical of the wee babby.

We were discharged yesterday despite the team and our neurologist wanting us to stay longer until a seizure was captured. Unfortunately, as I expressed to all of them at the beginning, we couldn't stay longer than we did. Dad needs to keep his job after all.

Áine had a pleasant stay as usual. As for Mom, don't believe what they say on the UCLA Medical Center web site. ALL the rooms in the Mattel Childrens Hospital are not private.

So the next plan is an appointment with the neurologist on the 1st and we will talk about Digitrace at the time (at home EEG testing).

Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts. We still need them as we try to get a handle of Áine's seizure activity and the effects on her life. She returns to therapies and school in the coming weeks and we hope everyone remains patient with her during this confusing time.


Stephanie said...

I'm sorry things didn't go as you had hoped they would. The at home EEG sounds promising. A better chance of capturing one and you get to be at home instead of living the hospital life. Though you wouldn't know that your littlest kidlet was hanging at a hospital by that beautiful smile on her face. I just love her! I'll be keeping you and the situation in my prayers. :o)

grumpyrocks said...

Aine has a sneaky way of making the 2 of you take a needed break from all of the numerous thing you both do on any given day!

PIM said...

Ah, nice thought. While it may be a vacation for Áine, it is absolutely no fun for Momma.