Thursday, August 04, 2011

New Beginnings

Today is Áine's first day at her new school -- Cleta Harder Developmental School.

Here she is in her new classroom with her new teacher, Simi.

Big girl.

Big brother on the 45 minute ride home.

Big sister on the 45 minute ride home.
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Nana said...

Well it was a big day for all especially "the escorts" ! Miss Aine Clare is her happy charming self!! Good luck, little one!!

Auntie Kat said...

Um, who decided to paint the wee one's nails? Her nails look nicer than mine!!!

Stephanie said...

Well, nothing better than catching up on some zzzz's on the ride home if you can. Too bad you had to drive or you could've caught some too. :o) Much like Aunt Kat, I was drawn to Aine's nails. She's all matching and fancy on her first day of school. Is the lovely polish courtesy of the fashionista herself?

PIM said...

The polish is from Miss Aine's own collection of quick dry polishes. Ciara chose the color and I coordinated the ensemble. And Kat, she has faboo nails!

Mary said...

Always makes my day to see a smiling Aine. Looks like the first day was met with her approval and I'm so glad. :-)

I'm also seriously coveting the nail polish. Our beloved fashionista seems to have quite the protege.