Tuesday, June 09, 2009

An update

Aine’s seizures are increasing in frequency and duration of late and she added a new one to the mix. She is confused, a little unsteady on her feet, and far more tired in her post-ictal state so she could use some prayers, happy thoughts, and all around good vibes. I plan to get her to the lab this Friday to see if any adjustments can be made to her meds.

John’s surgery on the 2nd was successful. However the recovery is painful and challenging and we are all attempting to adjust.

Brendan is making his first trip to Knotts Berry Farm with his class this Thursday.

Lastly, Miss Ciara found out today after school that she was not elected to Student Council. She is very sad of course, but is eager to try again next year. That’s the right attitude, Ciara!!


Nana said...


I am still very proud of you even if you didn't get on student council. You are the best 5th grade granddaughter in the world.
Tons of love


Mary said...


I heard from a little birdie that you're going to be a soloist for an upcoming event. Sing your heart out! :)

Stephanie said...

I will be sending prayers Aine's way. :o)

Ciara has ever reason in the world to be proud of herself. I would never be able to put myself out there and run for student council like she did. It is awesome that she tried and perhaps next year there will be a different result! :o) For now it is time to focus on her singing talent. This girl is just filled with limitless talent. :o)