Thursday, July 02, 2009

Áine the Dog Whisperer

The kind crew at Ability First where both Áine and Brendan attend, sent this picture of Miss Áine with Brandon the great dane. Unfortunately, she appears to be mid-seizure during the photo op, but it's a good one none the less.

Áine with Silvie - her speech therapist's (AmyFish) therapy dog. A golden retriever she's used to. A dane... not so much. Áine enjoys shoving her fist in Silvie's mouth and is rewarded with a big dog slobber in return. Clearly she got her affinity for dogs from the other side of the family.


Anonymous said...

Love the Munchkin with the dogs. Easy to see that Silvie is the favorite.

The train pics are adorable and speak volumes. Nana

Stephanie said...

Awww that's so sweet. It is amazing how they train those dogs not to react to whatever the kids they are working with might dish out. They have to be prepared for anything, like a fist in the mouth. :o)